Python OS Functions

The OS module in Python provides functions to using operating system dependent functionality.
To use it, import the OS module “import os

Function Name Description
os.system() Executing a shell command
os.stat() Get the status of a file
os.environ() Get the users environment
os.chdir() Move focus to a different directory
os.getcwd() Returns the current working directory
os.getgid() Return the real group id of the current process
os.getuid() Return the current process’s user id
os.getpid() Returns the real process ID of the current process
os.getlogin() Return the name of the user logged
os.access() Check read permissions
os.chmod() Change the mode of path to the numeric mode
os.chown() Change the owner and group id
os.umask(mask) Set the current numeric umask
os.getsize() Get the size of a file
os.environ() Get the users environment
os.uname() Return information about the current operating system
os.chroot(path) Change the root directory of the current process to path
os.listdir(path) List of the entries in the directory given by path
os.getloadavg() Show queue averaged over the last 1, 5, and 15 minutes
os.path.exists() Check if a path exists
os.walk() Print out all directories, sub-directories and files
os.mkdir(path) Create a directory named path with numeric mode mode
os.remove(path) Remove (delete) the file path
os.rmdir(path) Remove (delete) the directory path
os.makedirs(path) Recursive directory creation function
os.removedirs(path) Remove directories recursively
os.rename(src, dst) Rename the file or directory src to dst


Written on October 20, 2017