JavaScript Array Methods

JavaScript array methods to help you make your code easier.
[filter, find, map, reduce, every, more]

Method filter

filter returns an array of matched objects

Traditional codes:

let animals = [
   {name: 'Tibbers', type: 'cat', isNeutered: true, age: 2},
   {name: 'Fluffball', type: 'rabbit', isNeutered: false, age: 1},
   {name: 'Strawhat', type: 'cat', isNeutered: true, age: 5}

 /*using imperative*/
 let neuteredAnimals = [];

for (let i=0; i < animals.length; i++){
  let a = animals[i];

Using method filter:

let animals = [
    {name: 'Tibbers', type: 'cat', isNeutered: true, age: 2},
    {name: 'Fluffball', type: 'rabbit', isNeutered: false, age: 1},
    {name: 'Strawhat', type: 'cat', isNeutered: true, age: 5}

 /*using functional filter() where a represents an item in the array*/
 let neuteredAnimals = animals.filter((a) => {
     return a.isNeutered;

Method find

find returns the first matched object


let animals = [
    {name: 'Tibbers', type: 'cat', isNeutered: true, age: 2},
    {name: 'Fluffball', type: 'rabbit', isNeutered: false, age: 1},
    {name: 'Strawhat', type: 'cat', isNeutered: true, age: 5}

animalTypeFound = animals.find( animal => animal.type === 'cat' );

// animalTypeFound will return:
// {name: 'Tibbers', type: 'cat', isNeutered: true, age: 2}

animalTypeFilter = animals.filter( animal => animal.type === 'cat' );

// animalTypeFilter will return:
// [{name: 'Tibbers', type: 'cat', isNeutered: true, age: 2}, {name: 'Strawhat', type: 'cat', isNeutered: true, age: 5}]

Method map


let animals = [
    {name: 'Tibbers', type: 'cat', isNeutered: true, age: 2},
    {name: 'Fluffball', type: 'rabbit', isNeutered: false, age: 1},
    {name: 'Strawhat', type: 'cat', isNeutered: true, age: 5}

// what you need: 
// ['Tibbers', 'Fluffball', 'Strawhat']

let animalNames = => {return});

// what you need: 
// [{name: 'Tibbers', species: 'cat'}, {name: 'Fluffball', species: 'rabbit'}, {name: 'Strawhat', species: 'cat'}]

let petDetails = => {
    return {
        species: animal.type

Method reduce


let numbers = [100, 20, 10];

// result will return 70 as the value
// The function inside reduce will run twice. 
// the first time, x = 100, y = 20
// the second time, x = 80, y = 10

result = numbers.reduce((x, y) => { return x - y; });

reduce can also take two arguments. The first is the function that determines what happens to the two values and the second sets the starting value.

let animals = [
    {name: 'Tibbers', type: 'cat', isNeutered: true, age: 2},
    {name: 'Fluffball', type: 'rabbit', isNeutered: false, age: 1},
    {name: 'Strawhat', type: 'cat', isNeutered: true, age: 5}

// How old are all the animals combined?
// 0 is the starting value and acts as the first acculmulator value
// will return 8

let totalAge = animals.reduce((acculmulator, animal) => {
    return acculmulator + animal.age;
}, 0);

// lets say you want to find out the oldest animal 
// code below will return {name: 'Strawhat', type: 'cat', isNeutered: true, age: 5}

let oldestPet = animals.reduce((oldest, animal) => {
    return (oldest.years || 0) > animal.years ? oldest : animal;
  }, {});

  // decrypting the code above and how terniaries work 
  // the condition --> (oldest.years || 0) > animal.years 
  // if true --> ? oldest
  // else --> : animal

Methed every

every returns a true or false value based on the condition set.

let animals = [
    {name: 'Tibbers', type: 'cat', isNeutered: true, age: 2},
    {name: 'Fluffball', type: 'rabbit', isNeutered: false, age: 1},
    {name: 'Strawhat', type: 'cat', isNeutered: true, age: 5}

let allNeutered = animals.every(animal => {return animal.isNeutered});

//will return false because not all values under isNeutered evaluates to true

Method some

some works the same way as every() but only at least one of the condition needs to evaluate to true.

let animals = [
    {name: 'Tibbers', type: 'cat', isNeutered: true, age: 2},
    {name: 'Fluffball', type: 'rabbit', isNeutered: false, age: 1},
    {name: 'Strawhat', type: 'cat', isNeutered: true, age: 5}

let someAreCats = animals.some(animal => {return animal.type === 'cat'});

// will return true because at least one animal.type returned 'cat'

Mixed example

let animals = [
    {name: 'Tibbers', type: 'cat', isNeutered: true, age: 2, enteredPagent: true, cutenessScore: 347},
    {name: 'Fluffball', type: 'rabbit', isNeutered: false, age: 1, enteredPagent: true, cutenessScore: 193},
    {name: 'Strawhat', type: 'cat', isNeutered: true, age: 5, enteredPagent: false, cutenessScore: 521}

//lets say you want to find the total cuteness score of all valid pagent entrants

let totalScore = animals
                    .filter(animal => {return animal.isNeutered})
                    .reduce((accumulator, animal) => {return accumulator + animal.cutenessScore}, 0);

// totalScore will return 868


Written on August 30, 2019