Trim sapces




Hexadecimal value


Valid email (RFC5322)



(3 <= len <= 16, leters, numbers, or dashes)


Strong password

Minimum length of 6, at least one uppercase letter, at least one lowercase letter, at least one number, at least one special character


URL (http, https or ftp) 


Cannot verify name like www… will check later

IPv4 address


SSN - Social Security Nubmer


Alpha-numeric, literals, digits, lowercase, uppercase chars only

\w                //alpha-numeric only
[a-zA-Z]          //literals only
\d                //digits only
[a-z]             //lowercase literal only
[A-Z]             //uppercase literal only

Other useful topics:

  • Boundaries — \b and \B
  • Back-references — \1
    1. ([abc])\1
      using \1 it matches the same text that was matched by the first capturing group -> Try it!
    2. ([abc])([de])\2\1
      we can use \2 (\3, \4, etc.) to identify the same text that was matched by the second (third, fourth, etc.) capturing group -> Try it!
    3. (?<foo>[abc])\k<foo>
      we put the name foo to the group and we reference it later (\k<foo>). The result is the same of the first regex -> Try it!
  • Look-ahead and Look-behind — (?=) and (?<=)
    1. d(?=r)
      matches a d only if is followed by r, but r will not be part of the overall regex match -> Try it!
    2. (?<=r)d
      matches a d only if is preceded by an r, but r will not be part of the overall regex match -> Try it!](
