BI Report Tools
Our database has more then 42 millions records. We need to create reports for different roles.
I prefer opensource BI since we can build the website on our own server and access data directly.
Excel Pivot Table
- Prop:
- Very easy to use
- Support dashboard
- No sql needed
- Cons:
- Single desktop application
- Only support 1 million rows
- Cannot access our database directly
- Diffcult to update data
Power BI
- Prop:
- Very easy to user
- Support dashboard
- Has multiple version: Desktop, Cloud, and Mobile app.
- Cons:
- Cannot access our database directly
- Each people has his only account. It is not sharable.
- Not free.
BIRT and BIRT iHub F-Type
- Prop:
- Opensource
- Suppor J2EE application
- BIRT iHub F-Type is powerful to support BIRT Report
- Cons:
- Need a lot of codes
Jaspersoft Community
- Cons:
- No dashboard
- Cons:
- No dashboard
- No interactive reporting
- No bigdata application & support
Report Server Community Edition
- Cons:
- NO scripting supports for community edition.
- Cons:
- Register website is not secure. NO download link on website.
Written on June 23, 2017